what can green do for you?
For as long as I can remember, I knew the benefits of healthy living. I played sports, jogged, sauteed, baked my meats, limited fried and junk foods from my diet long before it was posh.
When we started That Salsa Lady, we wanted to ensure more people knew about how simple it is to take care of your health. We kept coming across people who had transitioned or were already vegan. So it got us curious.
We still enjoy dairy and meats. But we have always had diverse palates. That is when we came up with That Dabblin Vegan concept. It is simple, in an open inviting atmosphere, absent the hard sale or bullying, we allow people at their pace to explore the dynamics and benefits to veganism.
This is not a push for people to be vegan, it is more so our way of shifting our competition; YOUR MINDSET, into a position of choices and education. In doing so, YOU DECIDE, what works best for you in your own time, eating your way through great HEALTHY FOOD. Some just happens to be vegan...
It is our hope the world follows suit. Join TSL on our mission to great affordable food health.
See what Green Can Do for YOU!!! Hit Us Up to invite That Dabblin Vegan out for a demo....